Primary among those is a copy of the SMC 24mm. Its condition is a bit rough but that might turn out well in the future. The Pentaxforum site has a hobbyist who refinishes lenses, often in silver. I would love to have that done, so maybe this will be the lens to rework! Nothing soon though, maybe next year.
My risky investment was typically done with no time to think. Someone cleaned out a former repair shop's Pentax cameras so I bid on two K-X bodies at $20 apiece. Great his&her cameras at a bargainb price! Well, for the red one I was outbid and the black one may not be salvageable, so not my best decision - though for the price we'll see. Maybe I can put the working parts into my K200 body and have a K200x? That would be a fun challenge for someone as unfamiliar with camera-guts like me..