26 March 2019

helpless, hopeless

I spent the weekend staring at my G85, trying to wrap my head around its complexity and finding a setup that makes sense to me.

I failed.

This camera is the G7 all over again - a camera that fits great in my hand and meets needs I plan to have but don't yet. Because of that I find myself tripping over bonus features while trying to make it work like I want. How's this: click the Fn button near the shutter for EV± then turn the Front dial. No not the rear one, the one right next to the button - the one that just moved away from the shutter. Give up and do a search on the virtual manual again, I guess.

Roll call - G85, GX1, K50, YiM1 and EP5. One for each hand and foot + one to balance atop my head.


Which ones do I know how to use? K50 and GX1.
And I have them up for sale.

The G85 can do amazing 4k video and 4k photo tricks. The M1 can also do 4k, has a 'better' sensor and USB charging. the EP5 can do Live Time which I plan to make use of.. some day or night. Each of these benefits comes with a lack or a level of complexity that causes me grief.

So why am I doing this? How did I get here?