Given the circumstances, in mid-November I took a calculated risk by purchasing a lens with six months' freedom from payments or interest. Soon after that the K5ii went on an incredible sale; we would be debt free very soon so why not?
Now it's March and 'a month or two' has become five, and 'why not' has become painfully obvious. With no confidence that we will be free of home & debts within two months, a few newer parts of the kit must go. The new K-5ii body and 28-75 Tamron went first, and most likely the da50-200wr will go next. These moves have put a good amount of cash back where it belongs until the move is truly finished.
I sure wish that I hadn't packed up those lenses and the K-5 - the body is functional but needs servicing when more funds are handy, and a WR body is handy in the springtime. The 100-300‘s presence would keep me amused at times, and safely away from thrift stores both virtual and real!
Truly I have nothing to complain about: with the K-01 and lenses I still have, impressive images are easy to create. It hurts that I fell for the six-month-free cash trap though, that is embarrassing. We had no reason to doubt that we'd be moved within that window, and in fact we still could - but our recent past should have kept us from making general statements about the future, as life just isn't predictable right now. Real Soon Now though!